Friday, April 29, 2011

April Hair Updates

Happy Friday Flowers!

I hope you are all blooming beutifully this spring! ;O)                

My apologies for my absence this month! I have an exciting update to share...

I shaved the sides of my hair on 22/04/11 and I love it! My partner suggested it a year ago and I wasn't ready but  since February I have been ready for change. My starter locs installed in February did not not feel like enough change for me, and I was impatient with pace of the change I was seeking. However, I still love the look of locs.

I contemplated going to a salon in Preston, North England for a professional to shave the sides but decided against it because it's not brain surgeon and I am not willing to pay the quoted , £37! A heaper alternative is a barber shop for less than £10. Instead, purchased clippers from Argos for under £10 and my partner shaved the sides for me! At work, many people though I slicked my sides back which is strange to me. lOl..
It is because of my hair texture, which is very tighlty coiled and so not much of my scalp is showing. I would saw, I have manyber 1/8th of an inch of hair on the sides or less. I love the way my texture feels and woud be happy to shave it all... BUT for now, I will maintain the coool dudette style. I owe it to my under £10 argos clippers!

25.04.11 At the Staio Tavern in Lytham- waiting for the Train in BPL.Wash&Go Style!

I hope you are well. ;O)

What is your favourite Hairstyle this month?? Please share in the comment section ;O) x

Upcoming Blogs:
Slideshow of my shaved sides hairstyle
Review on  BeeMine's Deja Hair Mlik
10 Day Detox by Louloutmatou